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LIVE n’DYREC Radio Show – Episode #05 – Disco-House Session 1

LIVE n'DYREC Episode #05

Posted the 19th août 2009 by in LIVE n'DYREC

Hi everybody, you’re listening to the DYNAMIC ROCKERS’ LIVE n’DYREC radio Show.

The mix of the week is all about Disco House Music gems from 1998 to 2003.
Starting with the first release of Discotheque Records, a subdivision of the famous Versatile Records from France called « Hanky Panky » by Dino and Terry, we will go through a lot of filtered House classics such as Mike Delgado « Byrds Man Revenge », Johnny Corporate « In the Pocket » or even the hard to find Stacy Kidd « Prayer for the world » containing the sample form LTD « Love to the world ». This is all oldies but goodies. Hope you will enjoy it. Stay tuned!



01. Dino & Terry – Hanky Panky (Discothèque) [DISCO 002]
02. BOC Productions – Fall in love (Chez) [CHEZ01]
03. Johnny Corporate – In the Pocket (4th Floor) [FF2029]
04. Johnny Corporate – Sunday Shoutin’ (Defected) [DFECT21]
05. Groove Culture – Feelin it (henry Street) [HS 577]
06. Morando – Single Bell (Diamontraxx) [DIAM 205]
07. Cheek Venus – Sunshine People (Versatile) [VER 002]
08. Mike Delgado – Byrd Man’s revenge (Henry Street) [HS510]
09. Mike Delgado – Soul Good (Henry Street) [HS510]
10. John Julius knight – Find A Friend (Soulfuric Trax) [SFT0021]
11. Hardsoul – Latino Directions (Soulfuric Trax) [SFT-0015]
12. Stacy Kidd – Prayer for the world (Riviera) [RIV016]

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Unstoppable versatile producers since 2000, with almost 30 EP’s, over 50 compilations and a load of remixes, the DYNAMIC ROCKERS caught the attention of the music press and top notch radio DJs such as ANNIE MAC and JUDGE JULES on BBC Radio One, PETE TONG in his ESSENTIAL MIX, and ROGER SANCHEZ in his famous RELEASE YOURSELF show… Since their beginnings, their hits landed in DJ bags all over the world. The DYNAMIC ROCKERS provide the top of electronic music for the original House aficionados, reminding why Damian & Oliver are so much appreciated.